The Mission of the Church


What Is The Mission Of The Church: Conquer The World Or Preach The Gospel Of Jesus Christ? | Worldwide Evangelical Ministry


Some scholars believe that the Mission of the Church is rooted in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19-20:

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit,

teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age.”

(The New American Bible ©2011)


(Click on the picture above to listen to “The Mission of the Church.”).


In order to focus on the “Mission of the Church,”

it will be helpful to take a look at a definition for each of these words.


Mission: It signifies purposeful movement – being sent from one place to another for purpose. The apostles of Jesus were among the first to be sent out on a mission to share what Jesus was proclaiming. (

Church: It is derived from the Greek kuriakon, cyriacon, i.e. the Lord’s house, a term which from the third century was used, as well as ekklesia, to signify a Christian place of worship. ( It is also the members of the body of Christ who belong to this place of worship.


We, the members of the church (believers of the teachings of Jesus Christ), need to take up the responsibility of being disciples of and evangelizers for Jesus Christ. In order to help with this it is helpful to focus on the definitions and examples of Discipleship and Evangelization below.


Discipleship: “Discipling is a key part of the Christian walk. It’s more than just accepting Jesus into our hearts. We’re also given the mission to share the gospel and help others grow in their faith.” (




Whole Life Discipleship - Association for Biblical Higher Education

(Click on the pictures above to listen to a few thoughts on “Discipleship.”)

(Click on any picture below to learn about “Discipleship.”)

Discipleship - Awakening Church
Jubilee Church Shepperton : Discipleship
Discipleship Program :: Grace Baptist Church


Evangelization: Evangelizing means bringing the Good News of Jesus into every human situation and seeking to convert individuals and society by the divine power of the Gospel itself. At its essence are the proclamation of salvation in Jesus Christ and the response of a person in faith, which are both works of the Spirit of God.” (Pope Paul VI in Evangelii Nuntiandi)

Saint Francis of Assisi Parish | Evangelization
Evangelization Committee – St. Anastasia

.(Click on the pictures above to listen to a few thoughts on “Evangelization.”)

(Click on any picture below to learn about some examples of “Evangelization.”) 


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