
The following web sites are listed throughout I Went on a Retreat 365 Days in a Row!

This book will be published sometime in 2025. These sites are a wonderful opportunity for you, family, and friends to focus on what God is calling you to do with the time He has given you on Earth.


(Click on the name of each ministry to be taken to its website.)

. At AGAPE FARM, we host a variety of large and small gatherings. Situated on 280 acres of pristine land in Shirleysburg, Pennsylvania AGAPE FARM is owned and operated by Jesus Ministries, Inc. We proudly follow Christ-like principles to serve our valued Guests.” ( – “At Caring for Friends, our mission and our passion can be boiled down to two simple, yet crucial, aspects of life: food and friendship. Our Mission: To provide food and friendship to seniors, kids, and adults in the 5-county Philadelphia region.” Advocates for Homeless & Those in Need (AHTN) is a Bucks County interfaith nonprofit that serves the homeless and those in need by providing year-long access to emergency shelter, food and other life-sustaining services with dignity and compassion.” “Our Mission is to present the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith as the path to a fulfilled life and authentic happiness. We share valuable resources, create powerful media, and build communities to answer the longings of the human heart with the transformative power of the Gospel.” “The Augustine Institute serves the formation of Catholics for the New Evangelization. Through our academic and parish programs, we equip Catholics intellectually, spiritually, and pastorally to renew the Church and transform the world for Christ.” “Your purchase of any Humankind beverage supplies clean drinking water to those who need it most around the world. When you purchase Humankind products or give to the kindHuman Foundation, you are helping to end the world’s water crisis.” “ is the largest free online Bible website for verse search and in-depth studies … gives Christians of any age and at any stage the opportunity to read, study, understand, and apply the Bible to their lives. With free devotionals, study guides, helpful articles, and rich personalization functions, visitors to Bible Study Tools will be able to make the most of their Bible study time and unlock its meaning in their lives in new and vital ways.” “Bucks County Food Runners is a 501(c)(3), non-profit, volunteer organization established in 2015. We serve those classified as “food insecure” in Bucks County, PA by gleaning safe, fresh, edible food that would otherwise be discarded by restaurants and other food production establishments. We deliver it to shelters, soup kitchens, food pantries, and other agencies.” “Catholic Answers is a media company dedicated to sharing what the Church really teaches, and we are the world’s largest source for reliable information about the Catholic Church’s doctrine, tradition and beliefs.” Only Catholic Online, located at, gives the largest and broadest population of Catholics worldwide easy access to comprehensive, educational and timely information about Catholicism, and provides a range of easy methods to integrate their faith into their daily lives.” “We are a leading online and catalog retailer of high quality Catholic books and gifts, and have been in business for more than 20 years, answering Pope St. John Paul II’s call for all Catholics to join in a New Evangelization … Launched the week after the horrific events of September 11th, 2001, The Catholic Company has been our response to the world’s pain, tragedy, isolation and emptiness. It was our belief then, and remains our belief now, that the answer to all of our world’s problems is a deeper relationship with Our Lord and specifically with His Catholic Church.” The mission of is to give faithful Catholics the information, encouragement, and perspective they need to become an active force for renewal in the Church and in society, working to shape an authentically Christian culture in a secular world.”
 CatholicNewsAgency.comCatholic News Agency provides reliable, free, up-to-the-minute news affecting the Universal Church, giving particular emphasis to the words of the Holy Father and happenings of the Holy See, to any person with access to the internet … Catholic News Agency was founded in 2004, in response to Pope St. John Paul II’s call for a “New Evangelization.” It is one of the fastest-growing Catholic news providers in the world.” “The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary are a Congregation of religious brothers and sisters dedicated to a two-fold Crusade: the propagation and defense of Catholic dogma – especially extra ecclesiam nulla salus – and the conversion of America to the one, true Church. Besides the religious members, the Congregation has a Third Order comprised of mostly lay people living in the world. The religious members live in the priory and convent at Saint Benedict Center in Richmond, New Hampshire.” “ is the digital successor to The Catholic Standard and Times, official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, which ceased publication in June 2012 … continues the mission of the former print publication, now in digital format only: to inform, educate and inspire Catholics of the Philadelphia Archdiocese through news and feature stories on the local, national and international level.” (currently “From humble beginnings in 1978, two brothers – a 19-year-old Bible college freshman and a 14-year-old high schooler – sold a few discounted academic titles to fellow students and pastors from their parents’ home. Orders poured in, and the small house’s driveway, bedrooms, and garage overflowed with boxes of books. After four decades of continued dedication to selection, savings, and service, Christianbook now has more than 600 employees and 500,000 Christian products in a 370,000-square-foot facility.” “charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people around the world … Since charity: water was founded in 2006, we’ve been chasing one ambitious goal: ending the global water crisis.” “For twenty years, Christian Cinema has been on a mission to provide the widest variety of Christian films to families of faith … Today, Christian Cinema is the industry leader in Digital Transactional Video on Demand which enables consumers to buy and rent movies … You will find the selection and access to movies from Christian Cinema on digital to be ideal for you and your family at home or when you travel.” “We aim to be a church that people who don’t like church, like! Our strategy is to creatively reach out to disconnected Catholics in our North Baltimore community with a fresh and relevant presentation of the life-changing message of the Gospel to help them take their next steps on the path of discipleship to make them fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.” Jesus Cares About Children. So Do We. We are a child-development ministry dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Through sponsorships and donations, we empower local churches to provide individualized and holistic care to children in poverty so they are free to learn, grow, play and dream.” “Mission: To re-energize the Catholic Church in America by developing world-class resources that inspire people to rediscover the genius of Catholicism. Vision: To be the innovative leader in the New Evangelization helping Catholics and their parishes become the-best-version-of-themselves.” “Welcome is an overnight weekend experience for your parishioners given by men or women who have previously attended Welcome at your parish … Through fellowship, faith sharing, hospitality, music, individual and group activities, Mass, and more, participants have the opportunity to step back from the everyday to reflect on their lives and their spiritual journeys and build meaningful relationships with other men or women in the parish.” “Food for the Hungry is a Christian humanitarian aid and global development organization that designs, develops and delivers solutions for more than 50 years so that children, families and communities can flourish… We’re moved and inspired by our Christian belief that every person has intrinsic value, and that it’s our responsibility to advocate for the poor and marginalized without regard to race, creed or nationality and without adverse distinction of any kind.” ““FORMED brings beautiful and faithful Catholic content to parishes, families, and individuals. There is something for everyone here: award-winning studies and parish programs, inspiring audio content, movies, e-books, and family-friendly kid’s programming. Led by the Augustine Institute and Ignatius Press, and in collaboration with over 100 content providers, this site reaches more than one million subscribers worldwide.” “The Interfaith Food Alliance is 14 faith based communities joining together to fight hunger in the Morrisville (PA) School District by educating the community, advocating for those in need, and feeding  hungry children and their families.” At Karazim, we’re all about serving God and serving people … At the heart of Karazim Ministries is the desire to have the average person live the Great Commission to serve God by serving others, also to create an environment where every individual’s gifts and abilities can be used for the glory of God.” Our Mission – Create and distribute quality and compelling media that inspires and encourages people to have a meaningful relationship with Christ.” “OUR FAITH – Our goal is to help men, their families and their parishes grow closer to Christ. Through our programs and resources, we provide opportunities to live and spread the Catholic faith.” “Our story is a simple one: God works powerfully through a sincere Yes! From a wooden box of cassette tapes in the back of one church as Lighthouse Catholic Media, to over 7,500+ parishes distributing our CDs, books, and other media with our kiosk – it has been an incredible journey! Having merged with the Augustine Institute in 2015, we are now able to reach more souls than ever to accomplish our mission.” “Malvern Retreat House cares for the needs of all people. No matter where you may be in your spiritual journey, we encourage you to come as you are and see what our prayerful retreats and meditative grounds have to offer. Though we are a Catholic destination, if you need peace, healing and a space in which to be still, Malvern Retreat House invites you to journey onto our grounds – regardless of your religious background.” The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) is a missionary organization that serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to be a Christian. Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. For more than 50 years, VOM has been dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by encouraging their commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission no matter the cost.” “There are many people in this world who need our help. It may be people in our own family, our next-door neighbor, someone in a different town or state, or people from another country. No matter where we are in this world, there are people we can reach out to help them in different ways.” “OUR PLEDGE TO YOU—Great American Pure Flix is committed to bringing you quality movies and programs that celebrate Faith, Family, and country. With Great American Pure Flix, you can stream anytime, anywhere.” “Redeem TV is a donor-supported, ad-free, streaming service with no fees. Our goal is to provide edifying and redemptive visual media content for all ages. We offer an ever-growing library of over 1,500 quality dramas, documentaries, animated features, children’s favorites, episodic series, Bible studies and more, with new titles added every week. Redeem TV is the latest effort of Vision Video, which has been distributing and producing Christian media content for many decades.” – “Ignite the flame of faith and build a vibrant sense of community in your parish! Prepare for an incredible journey with RENEW International that’s all about connecting faith and life. We aren’t just renewing faith; we’re renewing lives, and we will walk alongside you every step of the way. Each step is guided by the spirit of unity, fostering relationships that reach beyond the church pews.” “Roman Catholic Saints! If you believe, like me, that the Roman Catholic Church established by Christ Himself is the most beautiful thing this side of heaven, then you also understand the importance of the lives of the saints … Learning about Catholic saints and their lives can inspire us to reach the summit of perfection that God wills for each of us.” ROME REPORTS (RR) is a private and independent international TV news agency based in Rome, Italy, specializing in covering the Pope and the Vatican. With its ethnically diverse and talented team of journalists, producers, cameramen and editors, the agency instantly offers the latest news from Rome as well as a half-hour Weekly News Program. We also produce high quality documentaries.” “Creating a Culture of Life Through Love and Excellence – Our nationwide Stork Bus program and partnerships with pregnancy centers ensure women get the services they need and deserve.” “The mission of STAR 99.1 is simple: We exist to encourage people into a growing relationship with Jesus through media. That’s why we share uplifting and encouraging music and positive stories, that can put you in a better mood, keep you
connected to God, and even transform your life – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.” “Most people would say that their relationship with God is not where they would like it to be, but many also feel unsure of how to change it. The Steubenville Conferences offer five unique conference experiences to help people escape the spiritual desert and empower them to live every day as joyful disciples of Jesus Christ.” “St. John the Evangelist Parish is a Catholic community that ministers to the Church with faith, hope and love. We are gathered in communion and are sustained through the celebration of the Eucharist. We strive to provide unending spiritual support through our Ministries that give assistance in both the religious and social realms. We are alive in our faith through spiritually nurturing our youth, families, the elderly and singles, while giving hope to those outside our parish with financial, spiritual and material needs.” “Our annual AbbeyFest is held at Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, PA. The grounds are transformed into a festival atmosphere featuring amazing music, Catholic and Christian vendors, the presence of Religious orders, food trucks, family and kid-friendly activities and games… One of the most unique aspects of AbbeyFest is its engaging atmosphere for children, teens, youth groups, and families to experience the fullness of faith and truth of Jesus Christ.” “The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen feeds the hungry and offers programs and services to encourage self-sufficiency and improve quality of life for people in the Greater Trenton Area. We began serving meals 42 years ago in a church basement and have since expanded to deliver more than 10,000 meals each week, six days per week, at our main Escher Street building and 40 community meal sites across the area. Since 1982, we have never turned away anyone who has asked us for a meal. Today, we also provide case management services, adult education programs, job search assistance and creative arts classes, empowering those we serve to thrive, not just survive.” 206 Tours – The Leader in Catholic Tours – All of our pilgrimages are accompanied by a Priest, who celebrates Mass daily, daily Rosary, and is available for Confession … If you are looking to encounter God, in the very places where He has
revealed himself, or, to experience these sites in a unique way, join us. Take in all of the sites and inclusions from our standard pilgrimage, along with lectures and stories, in the accompaniment of some of the Catholic Church’s most revered members. “Our mission is to walk with the poor and marginalized of the world. By providing personal attention and direct benefits, we help children, youth, elders and their families in Africa, Asia and Latin America build their unique paths out of poverty. We invite all people of goodwill to join our community and walk in solidarity with the world’s poor through one-to-one sponsorship. The connections we create foster relationships and transform lives across geographic, economic and social divides.”” US Catholic puts faith in the context of everyday life, with a strong focus on social justice. Since 1935 we have been a courageous, forward-thinking forum for discussion among a broad range of voices.” “The Gospel of Christ and the teachings of his Church guide the work of the USCCB. The work of the Conference is rooted in three general mission goals and organized into three key areas of responsibility.
To act collaboratively and consistently on vital issues confronting the Church and society
To foster communion with the Church in other nations, within the Church universal, under the leadership of its supreme pastor, the Roman Pontiff

–      To offer appropriate assistance to each bishop in fulfilling his particular ministry in the local Church” We believe in water is a global nonprofit organization working to bring water and sanitation to the world. We want to make it safe, accessible, and cost-effective. We help people get access to safe water and sanitation through affordable financing, such as small loans. We give our everything every day to empower people in need with these life-changing resources giving women hope, children health and families a bright future.”
© 2025 Thomas F. Burke

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