Faith-Based Resources
Helping You Grow Closer to Jesus Christ is an online resource to help
visitors with each of the following:
Faith Formation
Small Groups and Small Group Study Topics
Using Technology to Learn about and Share One’s Faith
Growing Closer to Jesus Christ through
Contemporary Christian Music
Daily Bible Study Resources and Reflections
Advent and Lenten Daily Devotionals
(Click on each picture in the carousel to the right to visit these pages of the site.)
I Went on a Retreat 365 Days in a Row! is my first manuscript, which will be published by Christian Faith Publishing, Inc. in 2025. It all began in 2017 when I thought about the idea of going on a daily retreat. The purpose was to take a break from everything that was going on in my life each day. My first retreat was on June 1, 2017. My last one was on May 31, 2018. Fast-forward to today. I am in the final stretch with completing my book. What is it all about? It is about experiencing a daily retreat in order to refresh myself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. Retreats help me with taking a break from the rigors of daily life and helping to balance the most important areas of my life – family, faith, self, career. They also help me with learning as much as I can about my faith so that I can live my life as best as I can based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. In order to whet your appetite with more details about my book and how it may benefit you, click on each of the items in the carousel to the right.
The main goals for are to help
each visitor with the following:
Develop a stronger understanding of Christianity and Catholicism.
Reach out and help others.
Make a positive difference in the lives of other people.
Use social media and technology to glorify God.
Use the “gift of one’s time” with others.
(Click on each item in the carousel to the left to see a few examples.)
Tom’s (current) Favorite
Contemporary Christian Music Songs

Tom's Current Favorite Songs
Chris Tomlin - Is He Worthy? (Lyric Video)
What A Beautiful Name (Lyric Video) - Hillsong Worship
Katy Nichole - "In Jesus Name (God of Possible)" (Piano Version) [Official Lyric Video]
Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Lyrics) ft. Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes
MercyMe - Say I Won't (Official Lyric Video)
Jason Crabb - Just As I Am (Official Lyric Video)
Evidence - Josh Baldwin (Lyrics)
Who You Say I Am (Lyric Video) - Hillsong Worship
Big Daddy Weave - I Know (Official Lyric Video)
Psalm 23 (I Am Not Alone) Lyrics ~ People & Songs ft. Josh Sherman
Hillary Scott & The Scott Family - Thy Will (Official Lyric Video)
Jeremy Camp - Same Power (Lyric Video)
Hillsong - I Surrender (with lyrics)
MercyMe - Almost Home (Official Lyric Video)
Raise A Hallelujah (Lyrics) ~ Bethel Music
Danny Gokey - Stand In Faith (Official Lyric Video)
Carrie Underwood - How Great Thou Art (Official Lyric Video)
Too Good To Not Believe | Lyrics Video | Bethel Music live & Brandon Lake
Cochren & Co. - Church (Take Me Back) [Official Lyric Video]
CeCe Winans - Goodness of God (Official Video)
Chris Tomlin - How Great Is Our God (Lyrics And Chords)
Crowder - Come As You Are (Lyric Video)
Rachael Lampa - Perfectly Loved (Official Lyric Video) featuring TOBYMAC
Cochren & Co. - One Day (Official Lyric Video)
Big Daddy Weave - Heaven Changes Everything (Official Lyric Video)
Building 429 Glory Defined W Lyrics
Andrew Ripp - For The Love Of God (Official Lyric Video)
Too Good To Not Believe (Lyric Video) - Brandon Lake
Bless Me - Maverick City Music x Kirk Franklin | Lyrics
Ben Fuller - Who I Am (Official Lyric Video)
Jon Reddick - I Believe It (The Life Of Jesus) [Official Lyric Video]
Katy Nichole - "Hold On" (Official Lyric Video)
Trust In God (feat. Chris Brown) | Official Lyric Video | Elevation Worship
Jesus Does - We the Kingdom, Anne Wilson (Lyrics)
Casting Crowns - Scars in Heaven (Official Lyric Video)
Casting Crowns - Praise You In This Storm (Official Lyric Video)
Matt Maher - The Lord's Prayer (It's Yours) (Official Music Video)
Casting Crowns - Desert Road (Official Lyric Video)
Weary Traveler by Jordan St. Cyr (Official Music Video)
MercyMe - Even If (Official Lyric Video)
Crowder - Somebody Prayed (Official Music Video)
Leanna Crawford - Still Waters (Psalm 23) (Music Video)
Megan Woods - The Truth (Official Lyric Video)
Made For More - Josh Baldwin, feat. Jenn Johnson
Ben Fuller - If I Got Jesus (Visualizer)
Casting Crowns - All Because of Mercy (Lyric Video)
1) Find a nice quiet place where no one will bother you.
2) Bring a coffee and a snack with you.
3) Stick in your favorite earbuds.
4) Click on the picture above.
5) Develop a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ when listening to this music!
Listening to Contemporary Christian Music is one of my favorite things
to do when I am on a retreat by myself or at a concert with family or friends.
Below is my list of why listening to this genre of music is very important to me.
1) Deepen my relationship with Jesus Christ.
2) Learn more about what Jesus Christ did for me and how important He is in my life.
3) Deepen my understanding of the Christian faith.
4) Worship God and give glory to Him.
5) Learn more about God’s Word in Scripture and what He is saying to me.
6) Take the opportunity to focus on my faith.
7) Do something which mentally takes me away from everything.
8) Focus on the four most important areas of my life – family, faith, self, and career.
(Click on the picture to the left to listen to some of my current favorite contemporary Christian songs. These songs and others may inspire you as much as they do me.)
Two questions I have heard many times from a number of different people are “There is nothing to do.” and “Technology is a detrimant to our society.” Well, let’s look at the other side of the coin of these two statements. First, “There is always something to do. Every day, each one of us can focus on making this world a better place for others.” Second, “Let’s use technology to learn about our faith, reach out and help others, and glorify God.”
The are many examples throughout that will help you with the two latter statements mentioned above. The topics listed below are the avenues you can take to do this.
Social Media Websites Cable Television
Movies Apps Christian Radio Podcasts
(Go to the carousel to the right to learn about these forms of technology and how they can be used to learn about Christianity for the benefit of yourself and others.)
Church of the Nativity is a Catholic church located in Timonium, MD. I discovered this church when I read the book “Rebuilt” several years ago. I have learned much about this church since February 2021 by perusing their website, joining one of their small groups on Monday evenings, attending three of their Masses in person, listening to the Gospel read and the sermon on the message series at their weekend Masses online every weekend, and attending several of their webinars. Their mission statement is “Love God, Love Others, Make Disciples.” That’s it! Do you know your church’s mission statement? Their Strategic Anchors (The Core Four) are listed below:
Weekend Experience – Making the weekend experience, music, messages, ministers, a top priority to keep parishioners connected and attract the unchurched.
Shape a Clear Discipleship Path – Preaching and teaching a clear discipleship path so that parishioners can grow as Christ followers.
Leadership – Building layers of leadership, because everything rises or falls on leadership.
Evangelization – Keeping evangelization front and center of everything we do, because who we’re reaching is more important than who we’re keeping.
(Click on the carousel to the left to see all of the great things that Church of the Nativity is doing and how you can become a part of the Nativity family.)
During the first several months of 2017, I contemplated the idea of experiencing a retreat on a daily basis. I began documenting these retreats on June 1, 2017. After several months, I contacted Christian Faith Publishing, Inc. about what I was doing and if they would be interested in working with me to publish my work someday. Linda, a literary agent with the company, liked my idea. She was super excited about my work. I was also! Linda encouraged me to continue my work and keep her updated on how I was progressing every now and then. I continued writing about these daily retreats until May 31, 2018. I worked on my manuscript for a few years and then submitted it to Christian Faith Publishing, Inc. in September 2021. They accepted my work, and they agreed to work with me on publish it. Since then, I have spent many hours working on my manuscript. It is getting closer and closer to completion. My best educated guess is that I Went on a Retreat 365 Days in a Row! will be published sometime in 2025, the sooner the better. I say sooner is better because I want my work to benefit as many people on this planet as possible. Not only will my readers benefit from my work, but also those people served by each of the following ministries and nonprofits. Visit the carousel to the right to learn about these ministries and the myriad people around the world you and I can help.
- Advocates for Homeless and Those in Need (AHTN)
- Agape Festival
- Augustine Institute
- Bucks County Food Runners
- Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
- Church of the Nativity
- Dynamic Catholic
- Franciscan University
- Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Humankind Water
- Karazim Ministries
- K-Love
- Knights of Columbus
- Malvern Retreat House
- The Abbey Fest
- Unbound
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops