
(Preparing for the Birth of Jesus Christ)

(Dec. 1-Dec. 24, 2024)


(Click on each picture to check out each website.)

Best Advent Ever by Dynamic Catholic

Education Resources for Our Lady of Consolation Catholic Church in  Merrillville, Indiana

Augustine Institute Advent Daily Reflections

Daily & Weekly Advent Reflection Emails - Holy Family Whitby

Advent Gospel Reflections with Bishop Robert Barron

FREE Daily Gospel Reflections from Bishop Robert Barron

Augustine Institute Advent Daily Reflections

Messy Family Project

Advent Apps for Your Technology Device

The Hallow App  

Successful Catholic App Adds Features To Help People Cope In Pandemic - The  Southern Cross

The Pray As You Go App

Pray As You Go - Daily Prayer - Apps on Google Play

(Several actors/actresses from The Chosen will pray with you each day.)